Hay friends wenny want to share about how Free Ways To Face Blackheads. Black spots or blackheads are found in the nose, chin, forehead and cheeks are often annoying when applying makeup. Peak, blackheads can diminish one's confidence.
Do not try to squeeze and remove blackheads with nails. Instead of clearing blackheads, facial skin can be injured and irritated skin to allow the entry of bacteria in the skin.
There are several things you can do to reduce and prevent the appearance of blackheads on the face. Times of India gave a leak.
1. Avoid the use of cosmetic creams and oils form that can increase the chances of blackheads.
2. Use a mild facial cleanser for acne prone skin. Do not use soap because it can clog pores and cause skin cells to flake off and damage the skin.
3. Exfoliation is an important step to eliminate dead skin cells. It helps get rid of dead skin that hoard in the skin pores causing blackheads and pimples.
4. For owners of oily skin, try using a mask made from clay in order to reduce the oil in the skin. Choose a mask that does not contain mint, peppermint or other irritant materials. Better to use materials that contain no added fragrance.
5. Make exterminator mask blackheads by mixing lemon juice, almond oil and glycerin. Apply on face for several minutes. It will not only help reduce blackheads, but also get rid of black stains on the face.
6. Moisten face with warm wet cloth pressed every night for 15 minutes. This will lift dead skin cells, dirt and other particles clog the pores. After use, boil the fabric in boiling water to kill germs and bacteria.
7. Warm a little honey and apply on the face of blackheads. Wash the face after 10 minutes. Honey acts as a natural moisturizer as well as raise blackheads.
Good luck my friend ^ _ ^

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