24He + ----------------> 84210Po 82206Pb
In the example of the decay of Polonium above can be seen that the ratio of neutrons to protons of polonium is 1.5: 1. But after experiencing decay by firing alpha particles, then the resulting element of Pb-82 is stable with neutrons to proton ratio of 1.51: 1
A nucleus that emits alpha particles, sometimes leaving the state of excitation at the core of chicks, which then produce gamma-ray emission to return the core in the ground state (stable). As an example that occurred in the transformation of 226Ra to 222Rn in which the core energy of 7.77 MeV alpha particles emitted so mengghasilkan stable nucleus 222Rn. and energy of 4.591 MeV alpha particles are emitted and leaving an excited state which then return to the previous stable state by emitting gamma rays 0186 MeV.
What a mystery according to classical physics, not the alpha particle has enough energy to get out of the potential barrier core. It is known after the core radius can be determined through Rutherford scattering experiment allowing known potential barrier height at the atomic nuclei that appeared to have higher energy than the energy of alpha particles that can be observed in experiments. Solution to this problem appears in quantum mechanics which is an alpha particle can be detached from the wells breakthrough potential through quantum effects.
Alpha particles, because it has an electrical charge and a relatively large mass causes the particles have a very limited ability to penetrate into the material and the rapid loss of energy in the air. A sheet of tissue paper tsudah even dead skin thick enough to absorb all alpha radiation that comes out of material - radioactive material.
This resulted in alpha radiation emanating from the source - a source outside the body is not a danger. But it would be a hazard if alpha-emitting isotopes are deposited internally (inside the body) such as inhaled, ingested, or absorbed into the bloodstream. So there is no longer the shielding effect of the outermost layer of dead skin. This can lead to alpha radiation is dissipated in living tissue, so that the resulting toxin, which raises the risk of cancer, especially after it was revealed that alpha radiation can cause lung cancer - lung as a source of alpha radiation was accidentally sucked.
Positive charge of the alpha particle is very useful in industry. For example, radium-226 can be used for cancer treatment, namely by incorporating a small amount of radium to the affected area of the tumor. Polonium-210 serves as a means of static eliminator of the paper mills at paper mills and other industries. Some smoke detectors use alpha emissions from americium-241untuk help generate an electric current so as to sound an alarm during a fire.
Alpha particles is one of three types of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma), emitted by radioactive substances, the smallest penetration, ie which can be stopped by a sheet of paper. Alpha particles are harmless to plants, animals, or humans, except when alpha-emitting substance has been entered into the body.

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