5 Healthy Foods Overcome Anemia

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Amount of blood is essential to make the body healthy and fit. Blood deficiencycan lead to the risk of anemia. If your blood count is decreasing, sebaikknya you eat nutritious foods that can increase the number of red blood cells in the body.
So what does the food needed to raise the number of red blood cells? Consider the following, as reported by Boldsky..
  • fruit bits

Bit of fruit or fruit that beetroot is rich in iron, and protein needed by the body toincrease blood cells and increase blood flow. The fruit is also considered anatural poison and blood purifier. So make sure the bits included in the list of healthy foods you are also a good source of vitamin C.
  • greens

Green vegetables such as spinach, celery, cabbage, radishes, cauliflower, kale,lettuce and sweet potatoes are healthy for the body. By eating vegetables, youcan control your weight and also increase the amount of blood in the body. Green vegetables also helped keep the digestive system in order to stay active.
  • Iron

Iron is a mineral that is essential for the body. Iron is not only to make strong bones but also supplies the oxygen in the circulatory system. Iron deficiency cancause anemia. So, eat foods that contain iron, such as red meat, dates, oysters,potatoes, asparagus, and raisins.
  • almonds

Nuts are rich in iron and can increase blood flow in the body. One ounce ofalmonds each day to help meet the 6 percent of the daily iron requirement.
  • fruit

People not only anemia are advised to eat green vegetables, but also fresh fruit.Choose apricots, watermelon, apples, grapes, raisins, prunes and dried figs toincrease blood flow in the body.

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