EVERY year earlier, the government of the Russian Federation provides scholarships for Indonesian students studying in Russia for S1, S2, and S3.
Requirements that must be satisfied the applicant is:
S1: average value of 80% for subjects who fit the course objectives; value of at least 60% for other subjects; not more than 3 years after graduating high school; complete the necessary paperwork.
S2: a minimum GPA of 2.75, not more than 3 years after graduation S1; complete the necessary paperwork.
S3: minimum GPA of 3.00; maximum age 35 years; expected to have work experience according to specialization; make the proposal a maximum of two pages on the subject of scientific research (in Bahasa Indonesian, which translated into English and Russian), includes two professor recommendations, and complete the necessary paperwork.
Application files that must be asked:
1.Mengisi application form (application form and form initials, download via the link below)
2.Fotokopi diplomas and transcripts legalized the issuing institution.
3.Terjemahan diplomas and transcripts in English by the issuing institution / sworn translator and a notary stamp.
4.Fotokopi birth certificate.
5. Birth certificate translation in English by the issuing institution / sworn translator and a notary stamp.
A certificate of health 6.Surat test in English.
7.Surat statements are free of HIV / AIDS in English.
8.Fotokopi colored passport from the first sheet. A passport as of at least 1.5 years.
9. Warrants fill out the parent / guardian (in Russian form, download it via the link below)
10. Self-complete data.
11. 10 pieces 4x6 colored photograph.
12.Poin made 1-9 points 1-11 in 2 and put 2 yellow folder (S1) / 2 red folder (S2) / 2 green map (S3). 1-11 points scanned in jpeg format on a CD data.
13.Membayar administrative costs Rp 500, 000, - (after interview)
APPLICANT may choose a major course of study, but the city and university placement is determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
The code is complete specialization courses can be downloaded via the link below.
RECIPIENT scholarships received: free tuition for 5 years (S1), 3 years (S2, S3) and pocket money per month + /-1400RUB / + /-46USD (adjusted for university provision).
S1, S2 one year following the preparation of faculty to learn Russian and arrived in Russia in September-October. S3 arrived in Russia in December-January.
GEAR and the financial cost borne by the recipient and the scholarship:
Provision of equipment, clothes, shoes, personal and other adequate support for the Russian climate
Management of study visa-50USD
Plane tickets from Jakarta, Moscow + /-600USD
-The cost of pick-up, transportation from the airport to the destination and passport registration of + /-300USD
Russian health-test + /-250USD
-Allowance for personal expenses + / -350USD/bulan
-Preparation of visas and insurance + / -300USD/tahun
The rent-dorm + / - 150USD/tahun
Russian scholarship application file can be delivered directly or by mail / courier (at the left front of the envelope was written: Scholarship Russia in 2012) and received on 6 February to 18 March 2012.
Application form:
Form initials:
Specialization code S1, S2:
S3 specialization code:
Guarantee waiver parent / guardian:
Instructions stuffing warranty statement:
Mark the handover of files:

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