SONY Have A Tablet That Can Be Pinched ??

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Among the tens of thousands of new products on display during the Consumer Electronics Show 2012 (CES 2012) in 10 to 13 January 2012 in Las Vegas, one of the interesting scrutiny is the concept of products. A number of manufacturers of digital devices present the draft design that invites visitors to dream.

Sony Corporation's booth showcased products including most that are still in the development stage it. One unique product concept is a tablet that can be pinched.

Appearance is tantamount to sail 10-inch tablet device. The design does look futuristic with shapes without corners and silver. What makes it unique is its casing supposedly made ​​from a flexible material.

Well, this is the part that can be pinched and pulled. When withdrawn, the material will not return to its original shape so that it can automatically set as the buffer for the tablet when placed on the table.

Unfortunately, the Sony exhibited in a glass so that visitors can not try it yourself. There, Sony only show the form of tablets and tablets at standard conditions while seated at a table with an additional external keyboard.

Sony can not be sure when the product will be released to the market. Tablets with a casing that can be pinched it will enter the ranks of the Sony Vaio series products.

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