Hay friends want to share more about Wenny Radioactivity. Before going any further we must first know the sense of radioktivitas it, sich continues what sense? Radioactivity according to the definition of the Chamber Herman in his book Health Physics Introduction is transformation - the transformation of the core - core (nuclear) that occurs spontaneously and cause the formation of elements - a new element. This transformation is accompanied by from one of several different mechanisms of emission of alpha particles, beta particles and positron emission and orbital electron capture. Each - each of the mechanisms that occur may be accompanied by emission of gamma particles, but maybe not. and there is also a mention rbahwa radioktivitas is Radioactivity is a core capability that is not-stable atoms to emit radiation into stable nuclei. The material contains non-stable nuclei that emit radiation, radioactive substances are called.
The amount of radioactivity of a radioactive substance (radionuclide) is determined by the decay constant (l), which states the rate of decay per second, and part-time (t ½). Both of these quantities are typical for each radionuclide. Based on the source, distinguished on the radioactivity of natural radioactivity and artificial radioactivity. Artificial radioactivity are widely used in various fields.
Different ways of radioactive transformation is determined by two factors:
1. Core instability. Namely whether the neutron to proton ratio is too high or too low
2. The relationship of mass - energy between atomic nuclei parent (parent nucleus), nucleus tillers (daughter nucleus) and the emitted particles.
When Paro
Half time (t ½) is the time required by a radionuclide to decay so that the amount by half. Radionuclide radiation has distinctive properties (unique) for each core. Event of a radionuclide emission of radiation is difficult to determine, but for one set of the same core, decay probability can be estimated. Part-time is unique to each type of core. The rate of emission of radiation in units of time called the decay constant (l) and mathematically the relationship between l and t ½ is given by
l = 0.693 / t ½
Natural and artificial radioactivity
Based on its origin, radioactivity grouped into natural radioactivity and artificial radioactivity, ie the result of human activities. In the natural radioactivity, there are comes from nature and from cosmic radiation. Artificial radioactivity emitted by radioisotopes that deliberately created human beings, and different types of radionuclides are made in accordance with its use.
Natural Radioactivity
1 Radioactivity primordial
In the lithosphere, there are many existing radioactive nuclei along with the earth, which are widely scattered so-called natural radionuclides. Many natural radionuclides contained in a variety of materials in the environment, for example in water, plants, wood, rocks, and building materials. Primordial radionuclides can be found also in the body mausia. Especially radioisotopes contained in natural potassium. Detailed descriptions of the natural radioactivity are described on the subject of "natural radioactive nuclei (08-01-01-02)".
2. Radioactivity originating from cosmic radiation
At the time of cosmic radiation into the Earth's atmosphere, the interaction with atomic nuclei in the air produces a wide range of radionuclides. The most widely produced is H-3 and C-14. Velocity decay and formation rates of radionuclides balanced, so that theoretically the amount is fixed in nature. Based on these phenomena, then by measuring the abundance of C-14 contained in an object, can be determined the age of the object and method of age determination is called carbon dating (Carbon Dating).
5. Artificial Radioactivity
1. Radioactivity associated with nuclear power plants
The energy produced by the decay process can be used as a nuclear power plant. In a nuclear power plant installations, radiation safety factor becomes a major priority, and with the development of nuclear power technology, the radiation safety levels even higher.
2. Radioactivity due to nuclear weapons testing
Radioactivity originating from radioactive fallout caused by nuclear weapons testing is called fall out. Levels of radioactivity from the fall out of the highest occurred in 1963 and after that the numbers continue to decline. This is because in 1962 the United States and Russia to end nuclear weapons testing in the air.
3. Radioactivity in medicine
Radioactivity emanating from the radioisotopes used in medicine for example for diagnosis, treatment, and sterilization of medical devices. Detailed descriptions of the use of radioactivity in the medical field can be read on the subject of the use of radiation in medicine.
4. Radioactivity in engineering technology
The use of radiation in the field of measurement (Gauging), analysis of the structure of matter, development of new materials, and as an energy source in the subject discussed the use of radiation in engineering technology.
5. Radioactivity in the field of agriculture
Its use in biotechnology, insect extermination or storage of food, and environmental preservation technology subjects discussed in the use of radiation in agricultural production, forestry and sea.

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