In laboratory conditions are appropriate, the nuclei can be made from other nuclei, especially for elements - elements with atomic numbers of the least of which is the hydrogen nucleus (identical to the proton), deuterium nuclei (deuterons) and helium nuclei (alpha particles). As is well known, the atomic nucleus can interact with neutrons, electrons and gamma rays.
But the ordinary temperature, the rate of nuclear reaction - (ie the number of nuclei that react at certain times in a given volume) is very small compared to the rate of chemical reactions that produce atoms or molecules. Why this happens? There are two reasons why this makes it happen:
The first reason is the size of the nucleus is small (only berode 1012 cm) compared to the size of an atom or molecule as a whole that berode 10-7 or 10-8. This led to nuclear collisions that occur have a speed less than the collision on atomic or molecular level. However, despite that, in circumstances where instimewa nuclei with smaller mass and energy that could apply as if - if it has a diameter approaching the size of the diameter of an atom so that the rate of nuclear reactions that occur will increase drastically above the normal value. This special condition will be discussed in my other writings.
The second reason is responsible for causing a relatively low rate of core interaction with the other core is the coulomb force which mutually repel - reject the core between induced positive charge on the nucleus. Repulsion energy is proportional to (z1 - z2) / R. where Z1 and Z2 are the charge, the number of atoms of two interacting nuclei and R is the distance between two center core.
Because the core one should approach the other core with a distance of 1012 cm before they can interact, the energy arising rejection - corresponding coulomb equation is - would be enormous, especially in nuclei with high atomic number. In the case of atomic nuclei with a small number (such as H, He), coulomb energy that occurs on the order of millions of electron volts, imagine the Coulomb energy that arises in atomic nuclei with large atomic numbers (such uranim -235 for example).
On the other hand the chemical reaction, energy is needed to allow the electronic field interaction is rarely reached more than a few electron volts. At ordinary temperatures the probability that a pair of atoms / molecules that collide will have a certain amount of kinetic energy in the millions of eV is very small. Therefore, not only the number of collisions between atomic nuclei is smaller among the atoms / molecules that collide in the same conditions, but the probability of occurrence of the interaction of the collision was also considered small. So it is no wonder that the rate of reaction that occurs between the nuclei is much smaller than the chemical reactions at the atomic / molecular
A lesson can we draw from the nuclear reaction rate is very small at this unusual condition. As is known, all the organs and tissues, in our earth, the whole atmosphere, all the objects of life and death, including us, made up of atoms - which of course has a nucleus - nucleus. Two reasons have prevented me kemuakakan above the core - core atom to berinteaksi. If not, then the earth would be uninhabited celestial sphere where the nuclear reaction will run continuously. Blessed is He who has created the nucleus along with the tremendous power in it and keep this power under control is amazing.
Creating a Nuclear Reaction?
Well, then how do I order a nuclear reaction can occur. There are two ways to do so that nuclear reactions can have a greater reaction rate than in normal circumstances. The first way is by increasing the temperature up to several million degrees centigrade so that the interaction of the core will have enough kinetic energy to overcome the electrostatic repulsion that prevents or tembol Coulomb interactions. This process known as thermonuclear reactions which can be found on the sun, stars. This reaction is a source of energy in the body - these celestial bodies.
The second way that can be done is by shooting at the atomic nucleus with the material - lightweight core material (such as protons, deuterons, or alpha particles) that have been accelerated by using Cynclotron or other equipment so that the light nuclei have kinetic energy in the approximation of millions of electron volts. This reaction can also be done with a high accelerated electrons, gamma rays, and X-rays and high energy.

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